Supportive Services for Veteran Families

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs' Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) program awards grants to private non-profit organizations and consumer cooperatives who can provide supportive services to very low-income Veteran families living in or transitioning to permanent housing.

Grantees provide eligible Veteran families with outreach, case management, and assistance in obtaining VA and other benefits, which may include:

  • Health care services
  • Daily living services
  • Personal financial planning services
  • Transportation services
  • Fiduciary and payee services
  • Legal services
  • Child care services
  • Housing counseling services

Below is a listing of our local offices that provide SSVF services. For a complete list of all SSVF service providers, visit

Volunteers of America Carolinas

Volunteers of America Chesapeake

Volunteers of America Colorado Branch

Volunteers of America Florida

Volunteers of America Greater Baton Rouge

Volunteers of America Greater Los Angeles

Volunteers of America Greater New Orleans

Volunteers of America Greater New York

Volunteers of America Illinois

Volunteers of America Indiana

Volunteers of America Massachusetts

Volunteers of America Michigan

Volunteers of America Mid-States

Volunteers of America North Louisiana

Volunteers of America Northern California and Northern Nevada

Volunteers of America Northern Rockies

Volunteers of America Ohio & Indiana

Volunteers of America Pennsylvania

Volunteers of America Southeast

Volunteers of America Southwest

Volunteers of America Texas